Marōtini Clements

Marōtini (Fi) Clements, B.Des (Fashion), G.Dip Sustainable Practice, Waitaha, Kāti Māmoe, Kāi Tahu is an advocate for healthy life including that of Papatūānuku, as we are all interconnected, everything we do effects the other.

Marōtini has spent the last 16 years on a healing journey that started with a toxic overload of her system. She has been a fashion designer, and zerowaste practitioner for 12 years. Throughout that time she has showcased her brand locally, nationally and internationally before turning to zerowaste event management. Within this journey she began to understand the importance of whenua, place and soil and the indigenous practices that Te Taiao has to teach us. 

Now through the rongoā of cacao she shares those product stewardship and regenerative practices allowing the self to be connected to Papatūānuku through whakapapa and whenua.

Marōtini resides in Waitati, Blueskin Bay on a small piece of whenua that has begun the Hua Parakore journey. She has done mahi with Why Waste Worm farms for 2 years and still consults with community events to enable their zerowaste kaupapa. She’d rather be connecting to Te Taiao and drinking cacao though.

Check out Ka Kā Wā Confectionary.


Kay Baxter


Angela Clifford