dylan graves

Dylan originates from South Africa and emigrated to New Zealand in 1994. He became a secondary school teacher after finishing high school and after an initial two years on the Kapiti Coast, taught in 4 more countries before returning to New Zealand in 2021.

He discovered permaculture in the late 2000s while in Taiwan and now facilitates workshops whenever he can. He has over 10 years of full time homesteading and practical permaculture experience and has studied permaculture intensely over this time. He is setting up a new homestead on a small sheep farm near Tuatapere in Southland.

Dylan discovered biochar around 2015 and has been a passionate advocate since he saw the very positive improvements in his sandy soil. He teaches workshops, works part time for Biochar Network New Zealand, and is the creator of the Char Chit Chat podcast.


Gavin Fisher


Greg Hart